Success Stories- Maria A.

 In Nutrition, Success Stories

Maria has been a member of CrossFit Oahu for just over 3 months and decided to take on the Fall 2014 Nutrition Challenge at the end of her Elements sessions. She killed it and was smiling the whole way through!


When I decided to take on this challenge, I did not know what to expect. The only thing that I knew was that I was ready for a change. I was tired of working out like crazy, eating a restrictive diet and seeing no results. I was unhappy with the way I look, of always feeling sluggish.

I read all the information provided and began to get excited about it. I kept the mentality that this was not a diet but as Coach Courtney told us ” a lifestyle change”. I made sure to keep this thought in the forefront of my mind as I continued on this journey. I got my family involved. I explained the challenge to them and they were very supportive of me. They even offered to take it on with me,
The first couple of weeks proved tough. The temptations were everywhere. It took a lot of will power on many occasions to say “no thanks”. Especially being of Mexican heritage where we are not accustomed to turning down food when offered. My friends and coworkers had many questions. Although some were skeptical, many encouraged me. As I progressed, they became more and more intrigued.
Being here 45 days later, I have come to see all my hard work pay off. I lost 15 pounds, most of which was fat! I lost 3 inches off my waist and almost 3 around my hips. My husband won’t stop complimenting me and telling me how proud he is of me. My 15 year old daughter tells me that she admires how hard I have worked for this. Not only am I happy with my appearance, but I have seen great improvements in my performance and most of all my sleep. I have been on sleep medications since my deployment in 2009. Since I began this challenge I have not taken my sleep meds once! I am now getting a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. without the need of any meds like !
Now that I have reached this point, I plan to continue on. I have adopted a new way of life. I am so thankful for all the coaches and athletes at Crossfit Oahu for their encouragement. Coach Courtney ‘s emails and pointers along the way proved a tremendous key in helping me succeed. Being able to meet with other challengers and discuss our trials successes and even our setbacks brought in the reality that although it was a challenge, we all did it together.
Taking on this challenge is the best decision I have made in a long time!
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