The clean and jerk, snatch, squat, deadlift, push-press, bench-press, as well as bodyweight movements such as push-ups, sit ups, squats, and pull-ups. No exercise machines here!
In an hour-long group class, we will warm up and then usually spend up to the first half of class working on a skill such as proper exercise form, new lifting movements, balance training, [...]
No. You have to train a certain way to get big and bulky. We don’t train that way. If you don’t believe us, check out female olympic-style weightlifters. They work out twice a day lifting weights [...]
Show up or contact us to see what we can do for you. Our Coaches can easily design CrossFit workouts to work around most injuries until you recover. In fact, we have found that functional [...]
It is a common sentiment to feel that, due to the obligations of career and family, you don’t have the time to become as fit as you might like. Here’s the good news: world class, age-group [...]
Absolutely! Your needs and the needs of an Olympic athlete differ by degree, not kind. Increased power, strength, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, flexibility, stamina, coordination, [...]
Although you will probably start feeling better and stronger immediately, new students can expect about a 15-20% improvement in strength and endurance following the first fifteen sessions. In [...]
“Working for you” is very dependent on what your goals are. If getting stronger, faster, more flexible, and improving your body composition are some of your goals, then yes, CrossFit will work [...]
No knowledge on anything even remotely related to working out is necessary to come to CrossFit Oahu. We have elements classes during which experienced coaches will teach and guide you through the [...]
Absolutely not! We have members who are in the 99th percentile of fitness and those in the 5th percentile of fitness. You are pushed and encouraged based on your current level of fitness. All we [...]
Many professional and elite athletes are participating in the CrossFit program. Prize fighters, cyclists, surfers, skiers, tennis players, triathletes and others competing at the highest levels [...]
We definitely would say it is worth it, but we are a little biased. The only person who can truly tell you if it is worth it, is you. The only way you can objectively know is to show up and [...]