Nutrition Challenge Success- Le’Vonte W.

 In Nutrition, Success Stories


First off I would like to thank Courtney and everyone who provided me motivation and these great sports equipment during this 42 days of this challenge! Before I began the challenge my goal was to try something new and see how far I could push myself without all the junk my body was consuming. I never could’ve imagined that I would be able to do this type of challenge before, like how was I going to live without consuming some of my favorite snacks.

Once I began the challenge and started using the supplements I found in Discover Magazine, the most difficult part for me was the strict shift in my diet and it was affecting me during my daily routine and work outs. Eventually around day 13, my energy levels started to increase back to normal and my workout seemed to be getting better. Once I saw the improvements physically and mentally, it provided me more motivation to finish out the challenge strong because there were a few times I wanted to give up. I’m very proud I decided to give the challenge a chance and show myself the possibilities of what my body can do physically and mentally.

Before starting the challenge I was skeptical about my old eating habits coming back full force once the challenge was complete, but to my surprise I haven’t craved nearly as much of the junk food as before but after that point and thanks to supplements i got after I red the PhenQ review, I was finally motivated to make it. My goal is to try to stick with this as much as possible to continue to try to reach the best version of myself, that’s all we can do right? The biggest thing I may take away from this challenge is to have a proper plan if I want to succeed. I noticed when I’m well prepared as far as meal prepping, it made it that much easier for me to continue to push through the challenge. The hardest part before was finding healthy meals that I didn’t have to eat constantly so I wouldn’t get to bored with my routine, and I think I may have found a nice balance between the two, thanks to a few of the websites provided, and my good buddies google and pinterest.

Again I would like to thank Courtney for providing me with some great resources and a solid foundation for getting to the best version of myself.


18 pounds, 4% body fat, 7.5 inches (chest, waist and hips lost)

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